

  1. 在校园里是否需要戴口罩或面罩?
  2. 我如何完成自己的接触者追踪?
  3. UE健康中心提供COVID-19检测吗?
  4. How (and when) do students seek excused absence from class/work due to COVID-19?
  5. 由于COVID-19,员工应该如何(以及何时)请假?
  6. My roommate or suitemate tested positive, but I don’t agree with the isolate-in-place method. 我该怎么办呢??
  7. How do I report someone who I know tested positive but is not isolating and/or didn’t report their test result using the COVID-19报告表? 我担心他们会传染给其他人.
  8. 您是否知道有访客、供应商或会员检测呈阳性?
  9. 我是一名住在校园里的学生,检测呈阳性,需要隔离, 但我觉得呆在我的校园房间里不舒服. 我有什么选择?
  10. 我是一名学生,和一位检测呈阳性的室友住在一起. 让那个人和我在房间里独处让我感到不舒服.
  11. I am a student living on campus who has been exposed to someone who tested positive (you are a Close Contact). 我需要隔离,但待在学校房间里不太舒服.
  12. How do I order a pick-up or have a meal delivery from Dining Services if I am sick, 在检疫, 或隔离?
  13. 我如何进行测试? 我在哪里可以获得测试?
  14. 我在哪里可以找到更多关于高危人群的信息?
  15. 我在哪里可以找到更多关于有效口罩选择的信息?
  16. 在哪里可以了解更多与COVID-19相关的基本主题?


目前,校园内不要求佩戴口罩或面罩. UE仍然是一个可选择戴口罩的校园. We will continue to monitor local rates and health data while partnering with health professionals as we consider when to update our policies and approach to masks and face coverings. Faculty may request accommodation through the Provost’s office to require masks or face coverings in their classroom.


Contact tracing helps others get tested or quarantine as they could begin infecting others. 如果测试呈阳性, it is your responsibility to identify and communicate with individuals who have spent 15 minutes or more with you over a 24-hour period and were within 6 feet of you up to two days before your first symptom(s) developed.

你应该写下所有你认为是亲密接触的人. 决定你是否想打电话、发短信或发邮件告诉他们可能的暴露. 与他们分享 疾病预防控制中心对接触COVID-19的个人的建议. 如果你去上课, 会议, 事件, 或者更大的聚会, focus on the individuals who were in direct contact with you (within 6 feet) for 15 minutes or more.


学生可以拨打812-488-2033预约 在大学学生健康中心收费20美元.

UE Faculty/employees can schedule a covid test at the onsite Employee Medical Clinic by calling 888-492-8722 or by scheduling an appointment online through the patient portal.

How (and when) do students seek excused absence from class/work due to COVID-19?

如果您是阳性病例的密切接触者, 你不应该找借口缺席,除非你开始出现症状.

如果你的测试呈阳性,你应该找个借口缺课. 首先,完成 COVID-19报告表. 第二个, 在你最早的机会, you should notify your instructors in writing that you will not be attending in-person classes due to illness. 您的隔离时间可能为5-10天, 这意味着你可能会有一段时间缺课. 在此期间,你仍然要对任何工作负责.

We encourage you to request your faculty provide a virtual option for you to call/Zoom into class when possible so you can stay up-to-date with course instruction. This is not going to be an option for all your classes as some course material is more difficult in a virtual setting. Ask if there are additional ways you can stay updated on course material and assignments.

你有责任补课. Keep your faculty member updated on your health in case things improve (and you can end isolation) or you start to feel worse. Call the Health Center if your symptoms worsen and you need additional support.


如果您是阳性病例的密切接触者, 除非你开始出现症状,否则你不需要呆在家里不工作. (但是,你需要戴上口罩去工作.)

如果你的测试呈阳性,你应该完成 COVID-19报告表. Notify your supervisor that you will not be attending in-person work due to illness and submit sick time as usual. (COVID-19病假不再是一个单独的病假类别.)隔离时间可能为5-10天, 也就是说,在这段时间里,你可能无法亲临现场. Consider discussing working remotely (if possible for your responsibilities and if your symptoms are mild enough to do so).

My roommate or suitemate tested positive, but I don’t agree with the isolate-in-place method. 我该怎么办呢??

如果室友有什么顾虑, suitemates, 或者个别测试呈阳性的学生, we can make accommodations for students to temporarily relocate if space is available. This 信息 will be provided to students who test positive when they fill out the COVID-19报告表. If roommates or suitemates are concerned about their peer who tested positive, 他们不同意就地隔离法, 联系宿舍生活通过 检疫申请表格 for assistance in finding a space for the residential student who tested positive or has symptoms.

How do I report someone who I know tested positive but is not isolating and/or didn’t report their test result using the COVID-19报告表? 我担心他们会传染给其他人.

Testing positive and disregarding public health measures in place for COVID-19 is a violation of the 学生手册 and may result in disciplinary action. If you have direct 信息 of someone who tested positive but is not isolating (i.e., they continue to attend class, eat on campus in public spaces, attend 事件, etc.),联系 deanofstudents@utc-eng.com 提供必要的信息. The staff within the Office of the Dean of Students may need to contact you for additional 信息.


访客,供应商和附属机构不完成 COVID-19报告表. They are permitted back in UE buildings or at University-sponsored activities (on or off campus) after they meet criteria for ending isolation. CDC Guidelines may be helpful for them in determining their isolation end date.

我是一名住在校园里的学生,检测呈阳性,需要隔离, 但我觉得呆在我的校园房间里不舒服. 我有什么选择?

如果你的测试呈阳性,完成 COVID-19报告表 要求另一间隔离室. 如果可以的话,我们鼓励学生回家.

我是一名学生,和一位检测呈阳性的室友住在一起. 让那个人和我在房间里独处让我感到不舒服.

如果你不同意室友和你住在一起的安排, 你可以要求不同的安排 隔离房申请表格.

I am a student living on campus who has been exposed to someone who tested positive (you are a Close Contact). 我需要隔离,但待在学校房间里不太舒服.

If you need to quarantine on campus and would like an alternative space to do so, 您可以通过填写一份 隔离房申请表格.

How do I order a pick-up or have a meal delivery from Dining Services if I am sick, 在检疫, 或隔离?

如果你有一个膳食计划并且住在校园里, 你可以在网上订购外卖或送餐服务.

  • 你必须填妥 COVID-19报告表 以便访问表格以请求用餐服务.
  • The meal pick up allows a friend to pick up a meal that you have ordered online from Dining Services.
  • Meal delivery provides delivery of a meal you have ordered online from Dining Services. You will be able to leave your housing briefly with a 合身的面具 to pick up your food in the lobby of your building or the entrance of your residence.
我如何进行测试? 我在哪里可以获得测试?

学生可以拨打812-488-2033预约 在大学学生健康中心收费20美元.

UE Faculty/employees can schedule a covid test at the onsite Employee Medical Clinic by calling 888-492-8722 or by scheduling an appointment online through the patient portal.


在这里了解更多信息: 针对特定人群的COVID-19信息.


了解更多关于 口罩的使用和保养.